Monday, March 28, 2011

15 Minute Challenge, Day 14-17

Days 14-17 Strength
(Psalms 119:28) 28 My soul is weary with sorrow: strengthen me according to your word.
There are times in life when the weights of circumstances around us are almost too much to bear. When you reach a point when your world feels too heavy, what do you make the source of your strength? Do you rely on solving your own problems? Do you try to carry yourself through life’s difficulties?
Education was pushed on me from an early age. College was never an option, it was always understood I would go, and I would complete my studies. There are times when I am told I am a snob, or I think I am better than the people around me because I went to college. It’s almost amusing when I think about how many times someone has been upset with me about something, and the same comment always comes up, “you think you’re better than me because you have an education.” I always believed the hard work and dedication to furthering my knowledge was something to be proud of, and I sometimes wonder, why do people encourage other people to achieve something, and then make them feel like their achievement is something to be ashamed of? Wouldn’t it be better just to leave the person alone?
It’s here, when I feel the most alone. I feel like I ought to be ashamed of myself. Who I am, and what I have accomplished means nothing. Then I realize, God created me like this. God had His hand in my education and in my accomplishments before I was born. I am fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. The knowledge and talents I poses are gifts from God to be used for His glory, and that is nothing to be ashamed of! It is here, in remembrance of this, that I find strength.
Thank you Lord, for when “my soul is weary with sorrow: [I know You] strengthen me according to Your word.” Amen.

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