Tuesday, June 28, 2011


"'...a reaction is started when we earnestly seek after God in His word and prayer. The attributes of Christ begin to appear in our lives...' This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. – John 15:8"

This was written in one of my devotions this week, and I can't help but think of the ways in wich life can sometimes seem so cruel to us. My personal journey is pointing me in the direction of facing those that would discourage me daily. I am having to look at all the sources of doubt and denial in my life and I have a choice to make. I can give into the doubts as I have so many times before or I can trust in my Savior and continue to push through my stuggles.

The funny thing is, there are times when it seems the source of the "you can't do it" 's and the "you're not good enough" 's are family and friends. Those people we look to for support and love can sometimes be the biggest hinderances on our journeys. Christine Caine once said "who needs the devil when you've got well-meaning Christians..." This will happen no matter where your journey is taking you, you will hit a point when it seems like you were wrong in believing you were meant to take the path you did. If you are wrong, God will lead you out. If you are on the right path, The Father will guide you through any obstical.

Don't lose heart my friend and don't give up! Seek God in your prayer time. Read His word daily - multiple times if necessary!! - and remember seeking Him and following Him will leave you with a more full and wonderful life than giving into any doubts or fear.

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